Press Release Press Release

Visit of Foreign Secretary Shri Vinay Kwatra to Bhutan

Embassy of India



Visit of Foreign Secretary Shri Vinay Kwatra to Bhutan

(18-20 January 2023)

  1. Foreign Secretary Shri Vinay Kwatra paid an official visit to Bhutan from 18-20 January 2023. During the visit, he received an audience with His Majesty The Fourth King Jigme Singye Wangchuck, called on Prime Minister Lyonchhen (Dr) Lotay Tshering and Minister of Foreign Affairs and External Trade Lyonpo (Dr) Tandi Dorji, and held bilateral consultations with Foreign Secretary Aum Pema Choden.
  1. The two sides held wide-ranging discussions on the entire gamut of bilateral relations including development partnership under Bhutan’s 12th Five Year plan, energy cooperation, technology, trade and economic ties, and people-to-people contacts. Both Foreign Secretaries Co-Chaired the 4th India-Bhutan Development Cooperation Talks (Plan Talks). Foreign Secretary Kwatra reaffirmed the close bonds of friendship India shares with Bhutan and conveyed India’s firm commitment to partner with Bhutan based on the priorities of the government and people of Bhutan, and taking forward the bilateral ties into new frontiers of partnership. The Bhutanese side shared their plans and expectations with regard to Bhutan’s 13th Five Year Plan in the context of ongoing transformation initiatives in Bhutan.
  1. During the visit, Foreign Secretary Shri Vinay Kwatra and Foreign Secretary of Bhutan Aum Pema Choden jointly inaugurated key projects implemented with assistance from the Government of India, including the Citizen Service portals, National Single Window portal and Government Initiated Network Project under the Flagship Digital Drukyul Project. Educational infrastructure developed in 58 central schools across Bhutan was also inaugurated by the two Foreign Secretaries.
  1. India and Bhutan share an exemplary bilateral relationship characterized by utmost trust, goodwill and mutual understanding at all levels, strong bonds of friendship and close people-to-people ties. The visit of Foreign Secretary reinforced the long-standing tradition of regular high-level exchanges between the two countries to discuss all issues of mutual interest.



January 19, 2023