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4th India-Bhutan High Impact Community Development Project Committee Meeting


The 4th India-Bhutan High Impact Community Development Project Committee (HICDPC) Meeting was held between the Government of India and the Royal Government of Bhutan at Thimphu on October 29, 2020. The Bhutanese delegation was led by Mr. Sonam Tobgay, Director, Department of Bilateral Affairs while the Indian delegation was led by Ms. Nidhi Dhiman, Second Secretary (Economic), Embassy of India, Thimphu.

The Committee approved 70 projects amounting to INR 125.4211 crore for 4th Batch of HICDPs (erstwhile SDPs) under GoI’s assistance for the 12th FYP. Spread across 18 Dzongkhags and 1 Thromde, the projects cover a wide range of socioeconomic activities - urban infrastructures, farm roads, irrigation channels, bridges, educational infrastructure, and water supply schemes. The Committee also reviewed the progress of the projects approved under previous batches of HICDPs that are at various stages of implementation. These projects will enable the RGoB in mitigating the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on Bhutan.

Till date, GoI has approved grant of INR 850 crore for 524 projects under the HICDP mechanism.