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Press Release: Opening of new market access for export of Bhutanese agricultural commodities to India

Embassy of India


Press Release: Opening of new market access for export of Bhutanese agricultural commodities to India


            A significant milestone has been achieved today in bilateral trade relations between India and Bhutan, opening new market access for Areca nut, Mandarin, Apple, Potato, and Ginger from Bhutan to India.

  1. India and Bhutan share exceptionally close and friendly ties inclusive of matters pertaining to trade and commerce. Agriculture being an important sector in the economy of both countries, this decision to allow market access for these agricultural commodities was arrived at after detailed deliberation between the National Plant Protection Organization, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India; the Bhutan Agriculture and Food Regulatory Authority, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, Royal Government of Bhutan; and the Embassy of India, Thimphu.
  1. This was one of the commitments made during the visit of Indian Railway and Commerce & Industry Minister Shri Piyush Goyal to Bhutan in February 2020 and was accorded high priority in the three subsequent virtual meetings held this year at the senior officials level led by the Department of Commerce, Government of India; the Department of Trade, Royal Government of Bhutan; and the Embassy of India, Thimphu.
  1. This decision is in keeping with Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s assurance that India would stand by its close friend and neighbour, Bhutan, in fighting the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  1. India has extended the fullest cooperation and support to Bhutan in terms of ensuring uninterrupted movement of commodities through the COVID-19 pandemic. Our close trade and economic ties are a reflection of the special bonds of trust and understanding between India and Bhutan that have existed over decades.
  1. Going forward, India will continue to extend all possible support to Bhutan to minimize the health and economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.


16 October 202