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Press Release: Announcement of the award of the Nehru Wangchuck Scholarship for 2021

Embassy of India


Press Release: Announcement of the award of the Nehru Wangchuck Scholarship

The Embassy of India, Thimphu is pleased to announce the outcome of the final selection interviews held on 25 & 26 February 2021 and 1 March 2021 at the Royal Civil Service Commission, Thimphu for the award of the Nehru Wangchuck Scholarship (2021 intake), supported by the Government of India.

Civil Service candidates selected for the Nehru Wangchuck Scholarship:

S. No.

Name of the Scholarship recipient & Employer

Post Graduate Programme to be studied in an Indian institution/university


Dr. Rojna Rai,

Gelephu Hospital

Fellowship in Gynaecology (Maternal, Laparoscopic Surgery)


Mr. Kenchog Tshering, Gelephu Thromde

Masters’ in Urban Planning/Transport Planning


Mr. Trashi Phuntsho, Ministry of Health

M.Sc. Data Science/Data Analytics/Big Data


Mr. Bikash Sharma, Phuentsholing Thromde

Masters’ in Structural Engineering


Ms. Dezangmo, Royal Civil Service Commission

Masters’ in Human Resource Management


Mr. Dawa Tshering, Samtse Dzongkhag

Masters’ of Education in Primary Mathematics/ Primary Science

Non-Civil Service candidates selected for the Nehru Wangchuck Scholarship:

S. No.

Name of the Scholarship recipient & Employer

Post Graduate Programme to be studied in an Indian institution/university


Mr. Dik Bahadur Rai,

Bank of Bhutan, Wangdue Phodrang

Masters’ in Corporate Strategy


Mr. Pema Chheda, National Pension and Provident Fund, Thimphu

Masters’ in Construction Management


Mr. Sherub Dorji

BBS, Samtse Bureau

Master in Media & Communication

2. Congratulations to all candidates selected for the award of the prestigious Nehru Wangchuck Scholarship for 2021! The Embassy of India, Thimphu ( stands ready to provide assistance to the scholarship recipients for selection of a reputed Indian institution/University to pursue their respective Masters’ Programme.
