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Press Release: Health Flagship Program launched to fight against Gastric, Cervical and Breast Cancer in Bhutan

Embassy of India



Sarve Santu Niramaya - May all be free from disease”

Health Flagship Program launched to fight against Gastric, Cervical and Breast Cancer in Bhutan

Yesterday, Hon’ble Health Minister of Bhutan, Dasho Dechen Wangmo launched the Health Flagship program at the Eastern Regional Referral Hospital, Mongar. This is one of the nine flagship programs of the Royal Government of Bhutan under the 12th Five Year Plan. The Nu./Rs. 1.109 billion flagship program is being supported by the Government of India through its Project Tied Assistance (PTA) to Bhutan. The objective of the Health Flagship is to reduce the incidence of and mortality on account of Gastric, Cervical and Breast cancers. This program will focus on providing effective screening facilities for different types of cancer along with the capacity building of health care officials in Bhutan.

Different works under the program will include the procurement of test kits and medical equipment. To provide the benefits of latest equipment and technologies to the people of Bhutan, medical outreach and awareness camps would be setup in different regions. The project would be completed by June 2023.

In healthcare, Government of India has been regularly supporting the Royal Government of Bhutan through supply of medical equipment including vaccines, capacity building and training programs. Under the 12th Five Year Plan of Bhutan, India is providing development assistance to the tune of Rs. 4.09 billion for different health projects. These projects include the construction of Deothang Hospital, Mother and Child Hospital, Nganglam Hospital, Procurement of medical equipments for Jigme Dorji Wangchuk National Referral Hospital, and support to the Vector Borne Disease Control Program. During the testing times of COVID - 19 pandemic, India has provided support in the form of 150,000 vaccines, PPE kits, Testing Kits and other medicines to Bhutan.

For the 12th Five Year Plan of Bhutan, Government of India has committed a financial support of Nu./Rs. 45 billion comprising Nu./Rs. 28 billion of Project Tied Assistance, Nu./Rs. 8.5 billion of assistance towards High Impact Community Development Projects and Nu./Rs. 8.5 billion of Program Grant assistance. To mitigate the effects of COVID - 19 pandemic, Government of India has provided early releases of Nu./Rs. 5.01 billion from the committed development assistance since March 2020.


10 March 2021