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Development Assistance of Rs./Nu. 850 million extended to Bhutan by the Government of India

Embassy of India


Press Release: Development Assistance of Rs./Nu. 850 million extended to Bhutan by the Government of India

Today, Government of India has released funds amounting to Rs./Nu. 850 million to the Royal Government of Bhutan as part of the early release development assistance requested by Bhutan under the 12th Five Year Plan (2018-2023).

2. For the 12th Five Year Plan of Bhutan, Government of India has committed financial support of Rs./Nu. 45 billion comprising Rs./Nu. 28 billion for Project Tied Assistance, Rs./Nu. 8.5 billion for High Impact Community Development Projects and Rs./Nu. 8.5 billion towards Program Grant.

3. Since March 2020, India has provided funds to the tune of Rs./Nu. 11.6 billion, of which last week, an amount of Rs./Nu. 2 billion was released towards the Project Tied Assistance and High Impact Community Development Projects in Bhutan.

4. India remains firmly committed to Bhutan’s sustainable recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and will continue to support the smooth implementation of development projects in the country.


11 January 2021