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India@75: Special Week in Bhutan, 2-9 August 2021

Embassy of India


India@75: Special Week in Bhutan, 2-9 August 2021

(1) Ambassador’s Interaction with the Lady Dragons – Members of the National Women’s cricket team of Bhutan

[Monday, 2 August 2021 – India House]

As part of the India@75 celebrations to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of India’s Independence, the Embassy of India is organizing an interaction on 2 August 2021 between the Ambassador of India to Bhutan and Bhutan’s Women’s National Cricket Team. The Lady Dragons, as they are fondly known, will be participating in the upcoming International Cricket Council Women’s Asia qualifier in Malaysia in November 2021. The tournament in Malaysia is a precursor to the 2022 ICC Women’s T20 World Cup to be held in New Zealand in 2022. In order to celebrate the common love for cricket between India and Bhutan and in keeping with the close and friendly relations between our two countries, the Indian Embassy has offered its grounds for the month of August to the Women’s National Team for their training sessions. During this time, the team will also attend yoga classes led by Mr. KVSSN Murthy, the yoga teacher at Nehru-Wangchuck Cultural Centre.

(2) Tracing India’s glorious space journey since Independence: Special Secretary, ISRO’s discussion with Bhutanese space engineers and budding scientists/school & college students of Bhutan

[Wednesday, 4 August 2021 – BNB Building Conference Hall]

In the background of India and Bhutan’s space odyssey and joint collaboration towards building Bhutan’s first satellite, the Embassy of India is organizing an interactive session on the topic “India’s Space Program- An Incredible Journey” on 4 August 2021. The keynote speaker for the event will be Shri R. Umamaheswaran, Distinguished Scientist and Scientific Secretary, Indian Space Research Organisation who will trace India’s glorious journey in space technology over the last seven decades. The audience will include Bhutanese space engineers and science students from Lungtenzampa Middle Secondary School, Motithang Higher Secondary School, Royal Academy, Paro and college students of the Royal Thimphu College.

(3) Celebrating Engineering Excellence – Handing over of Brunel Medal to the Mangdechhu Hydroelectric Project Authority and India-Bhutan hydropower cooperation over the last 50 years

[Thursday, 5 August 2021 - BNB Building Conference Hall]

In this ceremony to celebrate the success of India-Bhutan cooperation in hydropower, the Brunel Medal for Excellence in Civil Engineering will be presented to Lyonpo Loknath Sharma, Chairman, Mangdechhu Hydroelectric Project Authority by the Ambassador of India to Bhutan. The Brunel Medal is awarded every year to recognize excellence in civil engineering by the Institution of Civil Engineers, United Kingdom. The function will be attended by the representatives of the Project Authority, Druk Green Power Corporation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Economic Affairs.

(4) India@75 virtual conference on the ‘Contribution of Assam in India’s freedom struggle’

[Friday, 6 August 2021 – Postcard Dewa Hotel, Thimphu]

The Embassy will be organizing a virtual conference on the contribution of Assam in India’s freedom struggle, connectivities and synergies between Assam and Bhutan, with two keynote speakers - Mr. Samudra Gupta Kashyap and Dr. Nani Gopal Mahanta. Lyonpo Loknath Sharma, Minister of Economic Affairs of Bhutan is the Chief Guest, and the event will be attended by senior government officials, heads of educational institutions and think tanks, members of the business and tourism sectors, and students and academicians from across Bhutan. Mr. Samudra Gupta Kashyap is a prominent Assamese journalist, writer, traveller, and story-teller, and is currently serving as a State Information Commissioner in the Government of Assam. Mr. Kashyap will speak about the contribution of freedom fighters from Assam in India’s freedom struggle and ways to enhance connectivity and synergies between Assam and Bhutan including promotion of tourism in the post-COVID period. Dr. Nani Gopal Mahanta is currently serving as Advisor to the Education Department, Government of Assam and Senior Professor in the Department of Political Science, Gauhati University, Assam. Dr. Mahanta will speak in detail about the connectivities and synergies between Assam and Bhutan.

(5) Prize Distribution Ceremony of the India@75 Video-Byte competition: “What India means to me?” competition amongst Bhutanese youth (15-24 years) and award of certificates to the participants of an online course on Gandhian Philosophy

[7 August 2021 – India House Auditorium]

The Embassy of India had launched a video-byte competition on the subject “What India means to me?” inviting participation from the youth of Bhutan. The best three entries in this video-byte competition will be awarded prizes in a special ceremony held at India House. Participants of an online course on Gandhian Philosophy conducted by renowned Gandhian scholar Dr. Shobhana Radhakrishna will also receive their certificates on this occasion. A cultural programme with Indian music and presentation of a few Yoga asanas will also be part of this special function.

(6) Lost and Found: Presenting the story of a statue of Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel - a unique connect between India and Bhutan

If you happen to visit the iconic Simtokha Dzong located on a hill just outside Thimphu, your attention will be drawn to a unique brass statue of Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel, prominently placed in the centre of the main hall of the Simtokha Dzong. Resplendent in his magnificence, Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel beams down happily at us in his brass avatar statue, which is six feet tall and believed to be more than 250 years old. The Ambassador of India will trace the background story regarding how the statue of the Zhabdrung found its way to India and thereafter back to Bhutan in an Op-Ed/Perspective style article to be published as part of the India@75 Special Week.


2 August 2021