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Press Release: India@75 Amrit Mahotsav celebrations Synopsis of theIndia Week activities to be held from 26 October 2021 - 2 November 2021

Embassy of India


India@75 AmritMahotsav celebrations – Synopsis of theIndia Week activities

(26 October 2021 – 2 November 2021)

 As part of the ongoing India@75 AmritMahotsav celebrations, the Embassy of India will organize a series of events and activities through an #India Week that celebrates the cultural and people-to-people linkages between India and Bhutan.

Tuesday, 26 October 2021

In collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism, the Embassy of India will on this day host a Virtual Tour of the Buddhist Circuit in India highlighting the eight iconic sites associated with the life of Lord Buddha. The Tour will be anchored by DharmacharyaShantum Seth and also feature an intervention by ProfessorRavindraPanthon the linkage between Nalanda and Bhutan. The event will comprise a presentation and interactive session interspersed with slides, short films of Bodhgaya, Sarnath, Kushinagar, Sravasti, Sankasya, Rajgir andVaishali. The Tour would also cover Rewalsar in Himachal Pradesh, which is of particular interest to the people of Bhutan. The Virtual Tour would be broadcast by the National Broadcaster, Bhutan Broadcasting Service during prime time on BBS Television. To maintain the spirit of the Virtual Buddhist Tour, the Embassy is organizing an Inter Dzongkhag Quiz on Buddhism amongst Bhutanese school students from 21 schools located in every Dzongkhag (district) of Bhutan. The winning school team members will get to visit a Buddhist site of their choice (in India) sponsored by the Government of India. The other finalist teams will receive attractive prizes from the Embassy of India.

Thursday, 29 October 2021

The Embassy of India, Thimphu and the Bhutan Fashion Consortium have launched an apparel design competition woven around the theme “The Buddhism Thread that ties India and Bhutan” for aspiring Bhutanese fashion designers aged 18-35 years. The best apparel design entries will be exhibited in the final round of the Apparel Design Competition on 29 October at the India House Auditorium.Jury members Fashion designer KezangAnayath, Fashion blogger Karma Lhari Wangchuk, Model & Actor PaljorGyabak will decide the top entries for the attractive cash prizes. [1st prize – Nu30,000; 2nd prize – Nu 25,000; 3rd prize – Nu20,000 and Consolation prize – Nu 15,000-]. Ambassador RuchiraKamboj will award these prizes to the winning fashion designers and will also launch the website of the Bhutan Fashion Consortium. The Finale of the Apparel Design Competition will be broadcast by the Bhutan Broadcasting Corporation during prime time on BBS Television.

Sunday, 31 October 2021

Two special films on the life and achievements of India’s first Deputy Prime Minister, SardarVallabhbhai Patel will be streamed on the social media handles and website of the Mission to commemorate “RashtriyaEktaDiwas” on 31 October 2021.Sardar Patel was the first Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister of Independent India and was a leading figure in India’s freedom struggle. Post-independence, he is credited for achieving the integration of over 500 princely states into India.

Monday, 1 November 2021

The lush greens of the India House Golf Club (IHGC) that have historically been a centre of attraction and social activity for golfers in Bhutan had been closed to players and visitors in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. We are delighted to announce that the Reopening Ceremony of the India House Golf Club will be held on 1 November 2021 at the India House Estate. The Chief Guest at this special event will be the Foreign Minister of Bhutan LyonpoDr. TandiDorji. The ceremony will witness the inauguration of a renovated Golf Course and the launch of a brand new IHGC website and logo. A significant first step in rekindling the India-Bhutan sporting links and ties of friendship made possible through golf, the reopening ceremony will act as a precursor to the prestigious India House Golf Tournament to be held in November 2021.

Tuesday, 2 November 2021

A Webinar on the theme ‘Ayurveda for Nutrition’ will be hosted by the Embassy of India to celebrate Ayurveda Dayon 2 November 2021 also known as the DhanwantriDiwas.Lyonpo Dr. DechenWangmo, Hon’ble Health Minister of Bhutan will deliver the keynote address at this WebinarAmbassador RuchiraKamboj will deliver the Welcome Address to launch the virtual conference.Director General, Department of Traditional Medicines, Royal Government of Bhutan and Prof. Pawan Kumar Godatwar, Dean(Research), National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur currently on deputation to the South East Regional Office of the World Health Organization will also participate in the Webinar, that celebrates Ayurveda – a natural system of medicine widely considered to be the oldest healthcare system.

Ambassador RuchiraKamboj said, “The India Week being hosted by the Embassy of India in collaboration with our Bhutanese friends is yet another opportunity for the people of both countries to celebrate the thread of Buddhism and recall the teachings of the Shakyamuni and Guru Padmasambhava, who are worshipped and revered in both India and Bhutan.”


22 October 2021