Press Release Press Release

Expanding India-Bhutan electricity trade partnership

Embassy of India



Expanding India-Bhutan electricity trade partnership

In consonance with the Vision Statement on India-Bhutan Energy Partnership issued during the visit of India’s Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi to Bhutan in March 2024, Government of India has facilitated the access of Basochhu hydropower and Nikachhu hydropower plants for trading on Day Ahead and Real Time Markets in the Indian Power Exchanges.

Earlier in 2023, access was given to Basochhu hydro power plant for exporting electricity to India through Day Ahead Market in the Indian Power Exchanges.

In 2023, the Government of India had amended its procedures for approval and facilitating Import/Export (Cross Border) of Electricity to allow sale of electricity by Bhutanese power producers in Real Time Market segment of the Indian Power Exchanges. This mode of electricity trading allows electricity generating entities in Bhutan to trade electricity in the real-time market segment and minimize deviations.

The Government of India continues to work with the Royal Government of Bhutan to explore new avenues for energy trade and expand the long-standing mutually beneficial bilateral energy cooperation.
